How to Removes Mold Stain & Bacteria Instantly (Mold Remover Gel)

How to Removes Mold Stain & Bacteria Instantly (Mold Remover Gel)
Hey, guys welcome back. :)
Today is a super satisfying cleaning product.
This is an older home, so if you have a bathroom from, like, the 60's, 70's and 80's it can be tough to clean.
I have the best secret and it is less than $20. You won't believe these results.
This is really bad; this is probably one of the worst cases that I've seen, but you guys - we are gonna tackle this. :)
Image result for worst cases bathroom
When you really need to clean out a shower or tub, go for toilet bowl cleaner.
The magic secret is Mold Remover Gel with clinging bleach gel and you're gonna use this right in your shower - it's gonna bleach away all of the mould, all of the mildew and do it fast and the clinging part is gonna help it stay in the grout lines.
You wanna run this along all of the grout lines
- and it's okay if it drips down
- and also along the base of the tub.
Now what you wanna do is also put some paper towel on top of it
because it is gonna wanna fall off like the way the tub is sloped
and let it sit for between 3 hours to 4 hours.
It kinda looks like a green, bloody scene!
And then I used a paper towel all the way around just to kinda hold some of the product on those really, really mouldy spots.
Then you wanna take a scrub brush.
Now, the key when finding these is to get a tile cleaning brush with really firm bristles.
- if the bristles are very soft to the touch, it's not going to work
- and you can find these at the hardware store or even the dollar store.
Make sure you're wearing gloves and that the area is super well ventilated because you are working with bleach.
And don't wear nice clothes either, this is really stupid, what I'm wearing
and the fact that I don't have a face mask on. Like if you're using bleach you should probably...probably do that
but you know...why practice what you preach(?).
All of that grime is going to come right off.
If you have really set-in stains, you might want to even leave this overnight.
When you've finished, pour a bucket of warm water over all the walls of the shower or just let the shower run for a bit to remove all of the product.
The before and after is insane.
If you enjoyed this article, definitely leave it a thumbs-up.
I wanna start a series on this blog of cleaning really dirty things - that's so satisfying.
- and giving you guys all of the best tips for doing it on a tiny budget.
So if you wanna see those articles let me know in the comments down below
or even let me know the dirtiest spot of your house so I can find inexpensive ways to help you tackle those areas.
Use this coupon code XMAS20 - place your order today! 
Bye! Happy Holidays! <3
Oh my gosh, you guys, it's getting clean!
I'm so excited!...I'm so weird, okay... 

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